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Marinated Greens


Marinated Greens
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  • Thanks Sonnenhut!!! for the info. and explaining the reason......
  • Hi JCTVCBN, Here are two books that I recommend for you and your kids. First, for you "12 Steps to Raw Foods" by Victoria Boutenko, it includes recipes and how to end your addiction to cooked foods. For your kids: "RAW KIDS" by Cheryl Stoycoff the I…
  • Hi bodymyrgth, Thank you for taking time out to read my forum and to write back. Here are my steps that I used in my diet: I started eating 50/50: cooked and raw. I ate alot of grilled fish with a raw side dish. (My favorite was Tuna steak), but I i…
  • bitt, It so great to have viewers like you....thanks:)))
  • Thank you so very much for the push. You know, it is nice to know that people are interested in good news. I am still on the journey, please continue to check back with me often for updates. As you know, there are several transitions to change. Pati…
  • Hi Rawcloud, No, I haven't had any experiences like that, but it sounds like you heal fast, and I believe that is because if you put the right nutrients in your body, the body will heal itself. Sounds as though you are giving it the right nutrients.…