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  • Hi! I find that nuts in my breakfast provide enough of a protein/fat portion to keep me satisfied. I usually have about 1/4 cup in Raw cereal or granola. I do find that I have a lot of energy after and have to do a solid workout to use some of it up…
  • Hi Tiffany! Cool that you’re enjoying Raw. Lots of experienced Raw foodists here (I’m not one of them) with great suggestions and recipes. Enjoy!
  • Good for you, Savrah! I love your relaxed attitude about all of this. That’s something I’m working on in all areas of life.
  • Orange County, CA…but cool to see a few people in Virginia. My family’s in the Richmond area.
  • Juicy, your successes will definitely inspire others! Congratulations on everything you’re accomplishing!
  • I dehydrated some thinly sliced sweet potatoes (or maybe they were yams) and they came out really dry and yucky. I sprayed them with olive oil and sprinkled with a little salt. Did I do something wrong? I really miss sweet potatoes. :(
    in Starch? Comment by Candice
  • As someone who has beaten obesity, I can only encourage you and insure you that you CAN accomplish your goal! I just blogged about this a couple of days ago. I was 5’4 and stopped weighing myself at 176lbs. I’m sure I gained a couple more before I s…
    in Beating obesity Comment by Candice
  • I just read that article and it seemed that all of Dr. Weil’s concerns about a Raw Food dietstyle are based on one very small study. Even the data from that study seemed to be analyzed in an illogical way. The other national talk show doctor, Dr. Oz…
  • Rawspring, congrats on your progress! Good to see you pop up here again.
  • Thanks for taking the time to give a well thought out explanation. It makes sense, especially in terms of claiming a food is essential for us to maintain vibrant health.
  • SocaL—While I agree with you on superfoods (in terms of why they’re promoted as such AND what they really may be), I don’t understand the logic behind foods “growing everywhere” if we’re meant to eat them. There are lots of places in the world, or e…
  • Same with Juliano’s book RAW. He way overdoes it on certain ingredients, in addition to the fact that he gives NO warning about the multitude of non-Raw ingredients he includes. I’m not completely Raw, but I don’t think it’s asking too much that he …
  • Congratulations on making such a powerful life change! Most people have stops and starts, such as yours, but I think that can sometimes make us appreciate success even more. Good to hear that your health is improving. Continued success!
    in So happy to be RAW Comment by Candice
  • Like most of us in this country, I’m surrounded by sick people—diabetes, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, knee replacement, allergies, insomnia and cancer. And those are examples from my own family. The only thing I have found that works is to rea…
  • I sometimes have a major problem with being told I can’t have something. Perhaps you can set a period of time to transition. During that time, you could wean yourself off the cooked things you love by allowing yourself less and less of them. Some pe…
    in cooked addiction Comment by Candice
  • shane—You’re actually right in line with what the original post advocates: doing what works for you! Entering my meals into software to see how well balanced they are worked for me a long time ago, but wouldn’t stand a chance right now. I’m glad, th…
    in Raw Food Autopilot Comment by Candice
  • Can you go for a walk outside, some place with a bit of sunshine and nature? Sunshine is such a mood elevator. I know this is corny & cliche, but it really helps me to list (aloud or on paper) all the gifts I’m grateful for, from this new day to…
  • radish_man—It’s always impressive to me to see a young person who is conscious of health, both your own and that of the world around you. So many people will never get there. To introduce my kids to more Raw food, I just prepare delicious smoothies,…
  • Thanks yall. I don’t have a dehydrator yet, but I’m definitely getting one soon and I’d like to err on the side of caution. I know some of the issues with Raw, or anything to do with food or lifestyle, can become divisive. I appreciate the frustrati…
    in Mostly Raw? Comment by Candice
  • I don’t typically use the nama shoyu in Juliano’s recipes either, but I didn’t question what was in the food when I ate at his restaurant (I’m not 100% Raw), and I enjoyed everything. A few years ago, I was 100% Raw for about a month, but didn’t sus…
    in Mostly Raw? Comment by Candice
  • I want that book! Depending on the recipe, I sometimes substitute water, or if it calls for the coconut water & flesh to be blended, I might use water and coconut butter. I’m always happy to have a chance to use the actual coconut water though. …
  • SocaL—That’s a very interesting way to look at water consumption. Obviously, most people are eating highly processed food that’s had most of its water removed, thus the need for the “8 glasses per day” water recommendation. Even though I work out a …
    in Salt Cravings? Comment by Candice
  • Yes! I’ve tried seaweed in salad and just haven’t developed a taste for it, but I love making raw nori rolls stuffed with veggies! Though I have to admit, my rolling technique leaves a lot to be desired.
    in mm nori Comment by Candice
  • One of the ladies on this site has a yummy recipe for coconut milk on her blog. I tried it with cinnamon instead of nutmeg, a little less agave, and alcohol free vanilla extract.My family loved it! Here it is. http://thedailyraw.blogspot.com/2007/09…
    in Raw cookie bars? Comment by Candice
  • I know you’ve had a lot of responses already. I just want to encourage you to make the most of the time and money you’ve already invested. People will care if you’ve finished that degree when you’re applying for a job, negotiating a salary, or even …
  • Yikes, I didn’t mean for you to do so much work! Thank you for those sites. I’m GLAD they’re pro-coconuts, and intuitively I just can’t believe unprocessed coconut oil, in moderation, is bad for us. I guess I just got annoyed because I was reading a…
  • Thanks Morning_theft, I did go to that site, but have been looking for scientific research by impartial parties, without success. The hunt continues!
  • Yeah, this is really pathetic, you guys. It’s freakin basil!!! I only figured it out because I have some in a label container in the fridge. Obviously I never use the stuff. Oh how pathetic!
  • I’m sorry for your pain. Please know that people aren’t always comfortable giving their real reasons for wanting to break-up, so this might not be the 100% truth from him. It sounds like you guys haven’t been together long (though it probably seems …
  • This is the company that sells Peaceful Planet hemp seed. http://nutraceutical.com/ On their site, you can do a zip code search to see who carries their products, then call them to see if they have the hemp seed.Those are the only ones I’ve found in…
    in Hemp Seeds Comment by Candice