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Tingling in back...

Has anyone experienced tingling on their back when switching to a raw diet?


  • bittbitt Raw Newbie

    nope but i have had it before. are you sure nothing else has changed in your life like sitting position, etc?

  • Not that I can think of… it does go away when I stretch so I think it has to do with my posture. I am looking into exercises that will strengthen my back and improve my posture. It happens when I sit for long periods of time and sometimes while I am cutting veggies. I think when I am stationary I tend to slouch.

  • I think I should seriously write a post about this. I have been having back and next pains since a few weeks into being raw. I thought maybe it was a detox thing, but now I am pretty sure what the main downfall of a raw diet is…

    All the carpal tunnel and back damage I am receiving from spending so much damn time on the internet posting and writing and reading in/about raw forums!!!

  • greenghostgreenghost Raw Newbie

    the only time I experienced the symptoms you are describing is several years ago when I used to drink cow’s milk with whey protein powder mixed in. I would get a burning, tingling sensation across my shoulder blades & toward my spine right after I drinking that concoction and at the time I denied to myself that it was a toxic or allergic reaction. (I was under the illusion that dairy was good for me – and the more protein the better.) It’s amazing what lies I believed.
    I’m not saying that you are going through that – since you are eating raw, but could you possibly be getting too much protein in one meal? Or perhaps experiencing an allergic reaction to a new food?
    Also – you may wish to consider that raw, but non-organic foods may have traces of pesticides or fungicides that can cause reactions….

  • Rebe, it may be that you have “issues in your tissues.” Our bodies “record” events, and as you switched to raw, your cells began to release. You should try myofascial massage, which guides your connective matrix back into where it knows it should be. It is very soothing and may release some specific memory. Or maybe meditation, focusing on the tingling sensation.

    Our bodies have true wisdom and it may be trying to rid you of something.

  • Tingling is because a nerve is irritated. Check your posture, mattress how you sit while watching tv or relaxing, or at the computer. Could be a misalignment in your spine. ‘The Cobra’ is good for keeping your spine aligned, but not any good if it needs an osteopath. But remember, when you go raw or detox, EVERY cell is detoxing, so give it a while and see if it is a reaction to toxins.

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