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Mangers in a Mange land...



  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    Wow nice jeep!! FUN!!

    I don’‘t know if orange would be the least of oms carrot juiceing woes. I usually poop really good when I drink C. juice!! Too much info?

    Air traffic contoller, that’s funny! i would not fly again!!!

    Ok Now I am going to work.

    Yoga was great as usual btw!!


  • MeditatingMeditating Raw Newbie

    LUNA BLU - I am really digging your Iron Man pics. The server at my office was being replaced yesterday so I took the afternoon off and went with one of my peers to find something to keep us occupied. We went to the mall and stopped by the cinema. We stood outside and complained openly that nothing looked worthwhile. The ticket clerk motioned us over and told us to watch Iron Man, saying that we wouldn’t regret it. Gotta admit – it was great. I want one of those suits! The ending was obvious: Iron Man II contracts have already been signed. Can’t wait.

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    Med – yeah, I have heard they have signed on for 3 more!! Let’s just hope Robert Downey Jr. can stay out of rehab long enough!! The movie was super. But I love those types of things!! To get these particular pictures I have posted, you have to have an account with Marvel comics! YES, my husband and I are total geeks!!

    Where the heck is everybody? ang? Where are you??

  • WOW you guys my mom brought me over 20 packs of organic seeds and here is the kicker she even dropped off me a small container garden of about 20 different vegetables. I couldn’t believe it. So now my patio is booming with strawberries, heirloom tomato, cucumber, lettuce, squash, herbs, red peppers, cauliflower, chard and so on. It damn near brought a tear to my eye. Not to mention she also brought a mini food processor.

  • BluedolfinBluedolfin Raw Newbie

    Woohoo! ardesmond2: Mom heard!!! That is so awesome. This calls for a celebration!

    Everyone raise your cups… To your wellness… :)

    omshanti: Wishing you a quick recovery.

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    ardes – It sounds like your mom is strting to get it now!! YAY. It’s nice to have parental support. Even when you are all grown up, it’s still nice! :)

    I just have a question about gardening. Last year I planted a bunch of things and they grew great! This year, I plan on planting more. Now here is the problem. My dear dog, has been peein in my veg patch!!! Do you think she has buggered up the ph of my soil or something? Cos if I go through the effort of planting and nothing does well, (or tastes funny for that matter) I am going to be really annoyed. I am planning on topping up the soil anyway, and putting up a fence around my garden to keep the mut out, but what else should I do? Wash it?

  • HMMM good question saw this on another forum

    Everything I have read says animal urine is good for your garden since it has a lot of nitrogen. Urine can burn plants though so its best diluted 1:10.

    Carnivore (dogs cats etc) and especially humans feces can be dangerous since they may have disease causing bacteria. These should be avoided in the garden.

    All that said, if I was in your situation the only thing I would worry about is having root crops such as onions or carrots or low leafy vegetables such as lettuce or collards close to where the dog is going. Depending on the slope etc, when it rains you may get some direct fecal contact with your low vegetables which would be a health risk.

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    ardes – Thanks!! She tends to poop in the non veg part of the garden. maybe she knows the pee is good for veggies! ;) Doubtfull!

    I plan on putting up a fence around my garden VERY soon, so she won’t be able to get into any of it!! A few good rains should dilute the urine and hopefully make it more benificial, by the time I get in there and plant. I hope to get my veg. up and running not this weekend but the next!!! If I end up with tomatos the size of my head, I’ll have to thank my dog!!!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Hi, guys! I have had a crazy weekend, to say the least! I spent 2 days in ICU being treated for diabetic ketoacidosis, and just got out last night. The fruit flowers turned out well, but I didn’t take pics cuz I forgot, and I was already getting pretty sick by that night, so my mom (for whom I was making the flowers) ended up having to do a lot of the assembly cuz I didn’t get it done before she got home & we had to go pretty soon. She still loved the surprise and my effort/planning. I’m glad I went to the dinner, even though I wasn’t feeling well, though, cuz it was my bro. noticing how something didn’t seem right with me that night and then checking in with me again Mon. morning that got me into the hospital and saved my life! :)

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    WOAH! Glad you are still with us!!!!

  • Oh wow Angie sorry to hear….. Glad you are back up and running. We all missed you here, and were wondering where you were.

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Luna – thanks – me, too! I’ll probably write more later, but I’m still pretty wiped out, so I’m going to rest. The nice thing is I’ve got my mom cracking young coconuts like a pro! :) She brought me coconut juice at least once per day while I was there, plus a couple of other juices, and she made me a salad dressing, and went to buy me some raw snacks, and took time off work to do that stuff and to take care of my son. Although she told me last night that all that stuff was hard and it would be easier for her to go to work :)

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    Hooray for moms! Well rest up, and get lots of green juice and coconut water in you and you’ll be right as rain!!

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    Oh wow. this has been going on for 35 pages! I think that must be the record!! Thanks to Zooey, and he isn’t even raw any more!!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    The shampoo thread is close on our heels, around 30 pages or so, I think. ;)

    So I have been on www.nutritiondata.com for a while, and I found lots of things that I have been thinking about eating are the things that have the most of what I need. My phosphorous levels have been super-low, and the only reason they let me go from the hospital last night is if I promised to take the phos. powder they gave me at home. I hate the stuff – sugar-free, fruit-flavored powder that you mix up in liquid & sorta tastes like KoolAid – anyway, the hospital dietician told me about www.nutritiondata.gov where you can put in foods and get info. or search for foods high in phosphorous, etc. So I did that, and amazingly (heehee, I’m kinda used to this), the nuts & stuff that I have been thinking of eating are high in phosphorous! So, I’ll take their nasty powder for a few days and eat the things I’m wanting, and hopefully that will normalize things enough that I won’t have to take any more of it after that. They will re-check my phosphorous levels on Monday.

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    ang – Too much Phos. is a problem for most other people. There is lots of it in processed junk foods!! Too much phos. cause a depletion of calcium. The body needs calc. so it robs the bones of it!! I always say, the typical kids today with their lack of exercise and coke and pizza pops are going to be osteoporotic bags of jelly by the time they get into their 30s!! Did I get that right? It is phospherous i am thinking of right?

    What foods have phos? Seeing as we eat no processed stuff, it might be a good idea to include some foods that contain it!

    Feel better!!

  • Hi everyone, Just to let you guys know, Zooey is still 100% raw and doing very well on the diet. He has been very busy lately and sends his regards.

  • bittbitt Raw Newbie

    angie, so sorry to hear you were in the hospital. i hope you feel better soon. i am glad your mom could help you.

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    Angie you poor dear!! im glad you are on the mend big hugs oooooooooooo!

    Ardes really cool jeep, watchout for those bees though, i was riding in a convertable and got bapped with a bee who managed in its mangled state to sting me on the neck before it died! teehee happened once on a motorcycle too, the little buggar got down my jacket…. as fr theat poor bird. are you serious abut being afraid of them? just thorw a pillow case over it and pick it up, i mean i know they are directly related to T Rex but i think in their diminutive state in this point in evolution you can safetly handle one! teeheee

    Strawberry, OMG, im sure Kat is being helpful about old zoo man update but I laughed all three of my butt cheeks right the hell off!!!!bwaaaaaaahhhahahahahahahahahahaha, i guess being a metro sexual has its perks( batts eyes innocently)

    Kat: no offence about the above comment, im really just razzing Zooey (and his kimono!)

    Luna i heart iron man! robert downey is a stud..im hopeing ot coerce hubby into taking me to the new kung fu movie thats out: redbelt i have a friedn who collects all martial arts movies, ive seen some doozies too, but i love them…blissful sigh… cheerio guys, more later! xoxo

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Luna – so you’re saying I should eat junk food & soda? ;) heehee Actually, a lot of nuts & seeds are high in phosphorous. A cup of raw Brazil nuts has 96% of the daily requirement, a cup of cashews 68%, a cup of pumpkin seeds 162%... Also, hard goat cheese has 20% of the daily phosphorous amount per ounce (even more than in cow’s milk cheddar). Other foods have it, too, like asparagus, and so I figured out that I can eat raw tacos (sunflower seeds), pancakes (Brazil nuts), chocolate pie (cashews) and raw goat cheese on sandwiches or in salads, and I will be getting lots of phosphorous :) All they had to do was to let me out of the hospital so I could eat my own food :D

    Thanks for all the love :)

  • LOL at the zooey update…..

    OM- yeah we used to have a bird poor thing froze to death when the power went out one day and we came home and he was up side down in the cage. The only thing is this is different this birds looks MEAN AS HELL, kinda like he wants to eat me alive. funny thing is he keeps disappearing and I believe he may be in the flume part which is really pissing me off. My luck one of the squirrels will parachute down and join him and we will have a massacre on our hands.

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    I am so excited about the nutritiondata website! I have a “pantry” on there, and then I can put in a recipe, and get the nutrition facts for whatever serving size I choose for the recipe. It even lets me download a nutrition facts label for it, so I can keep a book of my recipes, and print a nutrition label for each recipe so I don’t have to figure out the carbs every time I make it. :) I’m thinking that by the time I’m done, I will have a great recipe book for myself, whether I ever publish one for anyone else or not! :)

    om – As far as the fast before your surgery, filling your body with nutrients sounds great! And as for the 14 hours pre-surgery, if you eat plenty the night before and maybe stay up a little later than usual and have something green before bedtime, it probably shouldn’t be too bad – just make sure you’re well-hydrated the week before. Good luck! It sounds like you have a good idea what your body is needing anyway.

    ardes – dude, buy some Larabars and get some sleep! :) And have fun with the Jeep – I hope the bird doesn’t attack you! :D HAHAHA!

    luna – I have been reading about phosphorous and calcium, and too much of either one will leach the other one out of the bones, so people who take lots of calcium supplements can get osteoporosis because they get low on phosphorous. Crazy!

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    Oh man oh man. I wish I had a secratary! Anyhoooo.

    ang – thanks for the phos rich foods!! Raw goat cheese? Sorry but EWww!! How are you feeling today? Even better I hope!!

    berry – Good, now your life is complete!!

    ardes – Mean as hell? What do you have in your chimney a bald eagle?

    Om -I never gave Robert Downey Jr. a second thought before i saw this movie. man, he is kinda sexy!!

    Anyway, I was fully booked today, and i am pooped!!

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    Yes it’s very hard work and I have a full day today as well!

    Way too funny about Zooey. WAY!!!

    Have a wonderful day all you fruit and nut bars!! :) I am off to rub people!!

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    mornin, darlins! its gonna be a hot one today so i have to get out to the beasties early! not much time to play!

    Berry: well the carrot juice thingy had me intrigued but as much as it will pain me, im gonna go ahead with the surgery( me, who hates needles and doctors) i keep going bakc and forth on the issue, but really this thing is huge, it has a life of its own and its affecting my quality of life…cant lay on my back which puts a crimp on a number of things( wink wink) yoga, for instance…;0) anyhoo, carrot juice seems to be sugary and fiberous all things good to clean out the system but it wont budge scar tissue which apperently is what this thing is: scar tissue around a huge blood clot! ugh…. yeah the zooey thing makes me laugh till i snort every time i think of it….. im giggleing now! seems we are all affected by the little shit…said with a smile, bet he’s lovin’ it! ;0) ” your so vain…. i bet you think this thread is about you, dont you, dont you…lallala…” sorry to put you through my poor singing voice…teehee

    Angie, how are you doing?

    ardes has that bird made himself comfy on your couch yet? sipping a green smoothie…..hahahah

    luna what is it like to rub people all day? Do you have regulars or is it easier to rub strangers? i looked onto being a masuese a while back, i heard so many funny stories about hairy people ect…hahahahaha

    i just read an article about dairy cows getting water beds and flat screen tvs so their 18 hours a day of forced labor will be “pleasant” hmmm, arent cows supposed to live on pasture , outside and come in to be milked then put out again? I mean cant they have a cows life at least? now we are raising cows like most kids are raised! ugh

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    I’m doing better all the time, but still pretty wiped out – It’s hard to believe I was so close to dying less than a week ago… Have you guys seen The Princess Bride? As I am still so wiped out & trying to recover, I keep thinking of the line “He’s been mostly dead all day…” Yeah, I know I am sick :D in more ways than one!

    As for prevention/recognition, I demanded more info. because I had only ever been told about nausea/vomiting; even when I had asked doctors about DKA in the past I never got much in the way of info. So, yes, now that I finally have more info. I should be able to have a better clue much sooner IF it ever happens again, which isn’t as likely now that I have more/better info.

    Last night my mom & I started planning what we want in the garden, and today we went to the nursery and she bought plants – tomatoes (3 kinds), watermelon, cucumbers (2 kinds) and strawberries! I have a bunch of seeds I bought a month or more ago, so we’ll also be planting peas, beets, carrots, zucchini, corn, and of course Superman’s pumpkins :) It’s amazing how much food we’ll be able to grow for spending less than $50 on seeds and plants!

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Oh, yeah – we got broccoli plants, too :)

  • omshantiomshanti Raw Newbie

    HI Angie Im so glad you ae on the mend! your garden sounds fun! Im all about tomatoes and herbs this year…i haventhad a “real ” garden since maryland but plan on one inthe near future…If we end up staying put here in socal then ill put in a late summer garden, its os bloody hot that growing things mid summer is way to much effort requiring shade cloth and automatic drip irrigation ect ect..no thanks i like to be able to skip a days watering if im busy, thats speels death to all green and leafys out here!

    I went and saw narnia, prince caspian yesterday…sigh it was wonderful If you like that kind of movie! i loved and wished i lived in a land with talking animals and elves…not to mention centuars: my perfect man? half horse and all! Not for THOSE reasons either you gutter rats, i was refering to having a boyfriend that was a dapple gray!hahahahahaha

    how about that big brown in the preakness? thank god no one broke down, maybe a triple crown winner yet this time! stay cool everyone, its hotter than blazes here the past few days, has made me cranky! my poor hubby…bye bye birdies…

    ARDES: news on the bird holding you hostage?

  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    The garden area is tilled up now, thanks to my dad – he bought a tiller and tilled up my whole garden area, and he will do their area this week. So the problem I have now is I realized that we have a termite breeding ground out there (probably because of ground-up wood in the compost that was spread all over the garden before last summer) – they are everywhere! Does anyone know how to get rid of them?

  • Luna bluLuna blu Raw Newbie

    Om – Giving 5 hour of massage is tiring. At least it was yesterday!! My arms and hands felt fatigued. Super hairy backs don’t feel very nice on the hands. Too much friction!

    We are going to make a little rustic fence to block the dog from the garden today if it stops raining. We have quite a bit of chincken wire, so I figure on making a frame with wood for the chicken wire for each fence panel. Then make a cute little gate. I can then plant some nastertiums and my beans and they will climb the chicken wire! When it is all done I will take a pic and post it. i think it is going to be really cute. People will think I have chickens! I love those furry footed chickens, they are so cool!! I would have one, but there are by-laws about having ‘livestock’ in the city!!

    LIVESTOCK. You know what? That is not a nice word. It implies that these creatures are just stock, like in a store, except they are live. Makes them seem like a commodity, not a living little being!! I just realized that.

    Anyway, yeah ARDES, has the bird actually eaten you?

    ang – your parents rock!! I don’t have a tiller, so it will be back breaking labour with a shovel for my gaden.

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