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PMS Has Taken Over

I’m having a bowl of (Non Raw) Oat groats with cinnamon, stevia, coconut milk, and cocoa.

If you soaked the groats over night, this could easily be a raw recipe.

I need to remember that next time….


  • That sounds awesome! And is raw if the groats and cocoa were raw. Did you put it all in a food processor or just mix it together?

    I have been a total bottomless pit today for some reason. Wish I had all the ingredients for this. I have resorted to eating many bananas and some raw almond butter. (I like to slice them lengthwise, spread almond butter down the middle, close the 2 halves together and eat like a sandwhich.

  • I do the same thing with Banana, Agave, and Hemp seeds. So good.

    Well the groats and cocoa would’ve been raw if I hadn’t have microwaved them : (

  • deborahanndeborahann Raw Newbie

    I use to mix almond butter with agave or honey (or you could use date paste) a little water, raw cocoa powder to the consistency of icing and then stir in really raw oats ( I used organic rolled in a pinch ). It is chocolate oatmeal cookie dough heaven….sigh…..

  • oat groats,I saw them in my local organic grocer on sunday,it did not say raw. a couple of questions….how do most of you prepare them,can someone with a wheat allergy eat them and can you gat them raw and where? Thanks!!!

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