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Please check out my diet for today

I feel I have eaten too much fat as fitday says I have had 33 today. Breakfast 1 med banana 1 8 oz glass low sodium tom.juice

Lunch 1 med. apple,sliced 1 stalk celery,chopped 4 med. sized mushrooms,sliced 2 tablespoons ranch dressing for dipping 1 8 oz glass water

Dinner 2 oz fish baked 2 cups green peas,raw 1 cup decafe tea

I know the ranch dressing is a no no and the tea I think. Could anyone give me a good recipe for a easy dip? And advice on what else I can drink besides water?
I plan on going all raw as soon as I can. Any input good or bad appreicated. I have high blood pressure and have gained 15 pound since Oct.18. I need to get my body and health back. I feel great today and this is only my second day


  • By the way I forgot to add I had 1 cup raw carrots too.

  • It sounds like you are not eating enough! That will have the reverse effect. I actually gain weight when I eat too little. My dr and nutritionist confirmed this phenomena,

    Also, where are your leafy greens? That is super important. I would consider adding a green smoothie. There are lots of recipes out there both intro and exotic.

    Good for you on day two!!! Keep up the good work but eat more! You will detox slower and feel better if you take it easy. Drink water too :)))

  • elizabethhelizabethh Raw Newbie

    I would also say you’re not eating enough, and yes, the ranch sauce, as well as the fish, would be a nono in my opinion.
    I second the leafy greens comment, VITAL for a healthy diet.

    Best of luck to you!

  • Thanks all for the help. As I said earlier,I’m new at this but I love it sooo much. I aready feel better! So out with the ranch dressing and fish then. So I’ll start with green smoothies and add more leafy greens. Is there a certain amount of food I should be eating like for example so many fruits and so many veggies and leafy greens. I want this to work,and yes one more thing,I love hot tea,can I still drink it on the raw diet. I have just bought today the book Raw Food Detox Book by Natila Rose,I can’t wait to get it! Thanks Again

  • BluedolfinBluedolfin Raw Newbie

    mafabo~ Let your body be your guide rather than dogma… If you eat something and you don’t feel well after, raw or not, put that on the list to avoid. However, sometime down the road your body might accept that food without problem, just not at this moment. The montra for health is every body is different. Listen to your body for what is ok to eat.

    Technically, hot tea is not raw since one heats the water hotter than 118 degreesF. Also, what you are making tea out of probably isn’t raw either. However, if hot tea works for you, drink it!

    Relax. Explore. Have fun!

  • Thank you so much. I use sweet and low with my tea,but I can stop drinking it to stay healthy. All this is new and exciting to me. I love this forum!! Everone is soo helpful.

  • BluedolfinBluedolfin Raw Newbie

    mafabo~ Yeah… the Sweet & Low, Equal, etc… not good. If you are using lots of artifical sweetners (like in “low/non fat” foods, tea, or other sources) and you go off them cold turkey, you may get a doozy of a headache and other “not feel good” symptoms. If you ride it out, your body will thank you in the long run. A suggestion: Substitute agave or date syrup or something that is naturally sweet to support your body. Remember, you don’t have to do everything at once. You can “transition” at your own speed.

  • Hi!
    I like dark agave a lot. I also use stevia at times. Prior to transitioning I hated it but now like the Nu Natural brand in the supplement aisle. Its in a box.
    Take it easy and enjoy the process. Don’t measure food just listen to your body. :) Blessings

  • greeniegreenie Raw Newbie

    I agree the ranch dressing and fish are no-nos, not because of fat but because they are not good live foods. And artificial sweeteners are very bad for your health. Good rule of thumb = if it’s in a package and has any ingredients other than food (i.e. chemicals) don’t eat it. The only packaged foods to eat are pure foods, for instance raw nuts, dried fruits, etc. that happen to be packaged rather than bulk.

    I agree too that you are not eating enough. Fill up on raw organic fruits and veggies, have some nuts and seeds, and you will feel wonderful and your bp will normalize quickly.

  • ZoeZoe Raw Newbie

    Try juicing your own tomatoes – all bought juice is not raw as it’s pasteurised. Also a great thing to do is have one or two green smoothies a day. This helps raw foodies out enourmaously, gets rid of cravings, makes us feel balanced, strong and happy. A green smoothie is fruit and greens in a blender. You dont tste the greens. My favourite it spinach orange juice piece of lemon rind=mmmmm!

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