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Fed up!!!



  • keewikeewi Raw Newbie

    @the 2 posters who replied to my comment,

    If it works for you great! That's what were all looking for a diet strategy that works for our lifes. My point is that the book uses a lot of scare tactics that are made up. Fat blocks cells from uptaking sugar? Our cell membranes are made of fat, how do we ever absorb sugar? High fat raw foodist get heart disease? Food combining? based on psedo science from 1950. We have the same digestive system as apes, wrong, The great apes large intestines are 2-5 times the size of ours. Gorillas and other apes are 80/10/10, another fallcy, Apes and gorillas derive a sgnificant amount of energy from fatty acids via gut fermentation in the large intestine, Gorillas get ~58% of there energy from these fatty acids.

    It it works for you that's awesome. My problem with the author is he makes this diet out to be some sort of species specific diet and this is the only way for health. Couldn't be more wrong tho.

  • Thank you so much, I will eat what I feel is good for me:) I went out and bought myself a cauliflour, red bell pepper, chives, parsley, and tomatoe. I made myself raw cauliflour rice. It was delicious!!!, then I had some fruit:) I also bought this new fruit its called a guava, did anyone try it?

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