New girl here

Hey everyone, wanted to introduce myself, thanks for accepting me to this site.. Its not that I don’t like the taste of hamburgers chips ect ect. Its just that I have come to a mental realization that if i don’t go raw/and herbal that I could die really soon. I have a really bad anxiety disorder/panic attacks every half hour. So im trying to go raw/herbal/meditation/yoga to help me from myself, and the fact that i was heavily in to esctasy pillsmy body is very much toxified =/ So im doing this to save myself, because im not sure how long i can take it anymore.


  • angie207angie207 Raw Master

    Welcome :) Be careful & gentle with yourself through detox/withdrawal. Do you have a source of support &/or professional counseling to help you with this?

  • Hey shyrawgirl! Good for you for realising you need you change your lifestyle. Keep it up! You may find some of the raw support groups helpful while you transition, sites like this one and may help to inspire you :)

  • thankyou guys so much=] No i am just a teen age girl trying to help herself=]

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