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  • well they normally have a great produce section… and some i’ve seen have a juice bar.. i’ve seen a few things there that are raw. but not sure about “already prepared” selection.
  • i think seize may be right about the healthy fat thing.. i get this feeling too.. but for me it isnt necessarily a raw thing.. i would get this feeling after eating a huge veggie burger, salad and french fries at a restaurant.. it normally only happ…
  • i will have some coffee on occasion. i used to be an addict. i would drink a pepsi on my way to work while i was waiting for my coffee to cool down and then iwould drink pepsi all day long.. only out of a bottle and only if it was ICE cold.. never i…
  • have you ever heard of a grain beverage that is a coffee substitute.. they arent raw.. but there is a substitute that tastes similar to coffee..Caffix is an instant one and tacchino (spelling?) is one that you brew.
  • when i was in middle school and high school i used to get them like twice a week.. it was awful. i stayed home from school sometimes or went in late.. then they gradually went away.. then they popped up a few years later when i was in the military..…
    in Migraine w/ Aura Comment by loveskale
  • i havent been to a piggly wiggly in a while.. but the last one i went into was gross.. i was a kid.. somewhere near Durham NC.. there was dead animals hanging from the ceiling.. pig.. hence the name i guess.. dunno if i can go in there if it is like…
  • well it cant be any worse than fredNECKSburg… oh i mean fredericksburg, va :) hope that wasnt offensive to anyone.. we also have spostylTUCKY.. or spotsylvania :) but hey, i do love our “big” small town.
  • thanks! hey, i can get a salad at most places.. and an oil and vinegar dressing.. i like to bring with me a zip lock in my purse that has fun stuff to put on salads like dried cranberries, sunflower seeds, flax, hemp, chia, whatever.. and when i get…
  • well.. hmm. sounds like i’ll just bring stuff.. like i always do.. haha i was just telling someone how when i was at this party where they had NOTHING for me to eat..i ate olives cuz that was it.. everything was like meat wrapped in cheese on top of…
  • i found this on happycow.net apparently there are 3 in myrtle beach.. ever been to one? New Life Natural Foods
  • bummer.. oh well looks like i will be bringing goodies with me.. i am actually used to that.. my grandparents think im crazy when i show up there with a big bag and cooler of food.. they live in a really small town in NC. well worse comes to worse i…
  • for those looking to find people in their area who are raw/vegan or whatever go to meetup.com sign up and find people like u in your area
    in How old are you? Comment by loveskale
  • 23
    in How old are you? Comment by loveskale
  • ive seen reusable dryer sheets.. i had some that i got in a sample thing from work but of course i cant find them to tell you the brand name on them.. but when i find them, i’ll let ya know.. havent tried them yet (if i had i might now where they ar…
  • right between Richmond Va and D.C. anyone up for a potluck?
  • i’ve been hearing about this being mandatory for schools.. i just dont understand! its not like its something you can get from breathing on other students or germs on doorknobs.. its about SEX!! who is having sex at school??!! sex, other than sex ed…
  • thanks queenfluff.. i just got back from out of town so i just got back on the computer.. well, so after my post i decided to try coconut oil since i use it for everything else and i had a hard time getting it out. it was really greasy for days afte…
  • flakes! help!
  • so i read this post about a week ago.. and was intrigued by the idea.. since i dont shampoo but ever 4 days anyway, i was already on day 4 when i read this.. so, not so bad so far.. im about a week and a half into it.. yesterday my scalp was flaky a…
  • http://www.myspace.com/tiphanynickens
    in Myspace Comment by loveskale