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  • Thanks for the advice! I’m slowly but surely working away at it!
    in Coconut Problem! Comment by Quiora
  • I am an actress and a sax player. Not visual arts, but art nonetheless.
  • I did the same thing when I was a kid! My mom would always let my sister and I have a few pieces of raw potato with salt as she was making french fries. I actually liked them better that way even then. But she always said I couldn’t eat too many cuz…
    in purple potatoes? Comment by Quiora
  • I’d heard the same thing as Bubbaw. Can you eat raw potatoes? Like the white and gold kind? I thought they were poisonous.
    in purple potatoes? Comment by Quiora
  • Mickmaster is right about the calcium, but more specifically, our bodies cannot properly metabolize the protein in cow’s milk. So, it leaches calcium from your bones to help digest it. You are losing calcium by consuming cow’s milk. I actually read …
  • I’m with ya on the pizza too!! I’m excited to go to a raw restaurant tomorrow, and already thinking about getting the raw pizza! I’m afraid if I get it, I’ll be disappointed though and will regret not just giving in and going to the vegan pizza shop…
  • Raw cookie dough!! It definately suppressed my sweets craving tonight…hehe. (It is very sweet and has a high fat content, but it is raw!) Here’s the link. It is amazing. http://www.goneraw.com/recipes/177-Raw-Chocolat… And fresh fruit sometimes help…
  • I’m going there tonight too! LOL. No, I’ve never been to Dalene’s. I just moved to Seattle about a month ago from central Iowa.
  • There’s Chaco Canyon Organic Cafe here in Seattle! It isn’t 100% raw, but they have a daily raw foods menu in addition to a large fresh juice and smoothie menu. I was offered a job there, but had to turn it down because it wasn’t enough hours. :(
  • Some of them are too big to get into, but I usually only go to the ones you don’t have to climb into at all. And if I do have to get in, my boyfriend just lifts me up and puts me in…hehe.
    in Budget Raw Joy! Comment by Quiora
  • Another good way I’ve found to save money on produce and food in general is dumpster diving. I understand it grosses a lot of people out, but I love it! Surprisingly, I had more luck dumpster diving in a small city in Iowa than here in Seattle. :(
    in Budget Raw Joy! Comment by Quiora
  • madame7-I live in Seattle! Could you tell me more about this program and how I can get in on it?!! It sounds awesome! My boyfriend and I just moved here a month ago, and I haven’t started working yet (although I start Monday at Trader Joe’s), so mon…
    in Budget Raw Joy! Comment by Quiora
  • If you have a Trader Joe’s nearby, check out their raw cashews, seemed to work for me!
    in Raw Nuts & Seeds Comment by Quiora
  • I think I actually got some genuinely raw cashews from Trader Joe’s. I soaked them for about 4 hours and they sprouted. Does this mean they’re actually still raw? That would be amazing because they’re cheap there!
    in Raw Nuts & Seeds Comment by Quiora
  • Anyone else notice NoBones disappeared after posting a couple outlandish threads? Why are people taking him/her seriously? TROLL!
  • Branwyn-I sometimes use my oven. I left my dehydrator back home when I moved because all my material possessions had to fit in the back seat of a tiny two door car! Silly me! I wasn’t planning on becoming raw at that time or I would have made room f…
  • Another alternative to nut milk bags: Cut about 8” off the bottom of a pair of pantyhose. Boil it to get rid of nasty bacteria and chemicals. Put it in the glass, pitcher, or jar with the top stretched around the mouth of the glass, pitcher, or jar.…
  • I see where you’re coming from, but I haven’t seen a single source, reliable or not, showing negative effects of agave. It has a low glycemic index and is more easily used by our bodies, so no spikes in blood sugar. Sure the whole reason for it bein…
  • My agave is raw as well. Even if it wasn’t, I don’t think it is fair to lump it in with HFCS, GMOs, and red meat. Geez.
  • chakra-why is agave lumped into that list? What is so bad about it?
  • OHHH, I just saw on the second link, that heather provided, all the ads are there. The TV ones are called “Party” and “Two Bites”.
  • Agreed springleaf! But the industry is trying to make it seem like everyone who disapproves of corn syrup doesn’t have the facts. Then people will just stop asking us and assume they’re right. I just watched the link and I was disgusted. I would lik…
  • What if she is using a fake name? Possibly even on a public computer so the post can’t be tracked by ip address? If I were to write something like that, that is definatly something I would have considered doing. Then I honestly wouldn’t be worried. …
    in Appalled Comment by Quiora
  • I’ve been having a hard time transitioning too and I’ve decided to do a juice fast for a few days. I think maybe it will help lessen my cooked food cravings. Today I had two donuts (organic and vegan, but still unhealthy and cooked.) Then after that…
    in Me+raw=Epic fail. Comment by Quiora
  • springleaf-I believe she was talking about ironing something she was working on sewing. In order to get the hem right,you MUST iron it before you sew it, after it is pinned in place. That’s the only time I ever iron anything either. And I’ve done th…
  • queenfluff-I did the exact same thing with garlic! When I first got into raw foods, I made a lasagna and used five heads of garlic in it because I thought the head was the same thing as a single clove. Needless to say, it was inedible. About a month…
  • Branwyn-Yeah I actually was “a goth” in high school, but I stopped caring about the clothes and makeup when I really started to simplify my life and material possessions. However, since I stopped dressing goth, I’ve gained a much deeper appreciation…
  • You would never guess it, not even people who know me would guess, but I listen to heavy metal. Mostly gothic style heavy metal. Some of my favorites are Tristania, Opeth, Nightwish, In Flames, Lacuna Coil, Evanesence, and Therion. I also listen to …
  • Awww…thanks rawdance. I really don’t feel like I’m an inspiration though. I mean, I didn’t really conquer bullimia in some heroic or aww inspiring way. I did literally stare death and permenant disfigurment in the face and that scared me more than b…
  • And RawDance-you are an awesome person! Thanks for all your words of wisdom. (Your recipes rock too!)