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  • Happy Anniversary, queenfluff! Time really flies by, I can’t believe it’s been almost three weeks for me. Will probably do the clay on Tuesday…will use your advice to focus on scalp/oilier parts. P.S. spiritedmama- My boyfriend also stopped using sh…
  • Yes, I am definitely sticking with it…esp. since I’m in Hawaii, I can let my hair air-dry everyday and put it up for work. That ‘tousled’ look is what I’ve been trying to get with all those products… who knew we could get it naturally! For the clay …
  • Day 17 for me…oilier since my last post on day 11 but it is starting to move down to the ends which is GREAT since at first it was oily at the scalp and dry/frizzy on the ends. My hair is MUCH curlier and not itchy at all which was my biggest concer…
  • Wow, I wish I had read about this sooner! The whole process that I used to do every day….shampoo, condition, apply 2+ product, blow-dry, curling iron…drove me so crazy but I couldn’t get my hair to look good without it. After reading this thread and…
  • I have this exact same problem and I’ve done quite a few colon and parasite cleanses. My intuition tells me that this area will be the last to go because it’s protecting my organs while they heal.
    in Distended Belly Comment by kauaigirl
  • I tried a Durian once…it was amazing…creamy, gooey, luscious. Saw a 20-30lb. one at the farmer’s market the other day. It was MASSIVE. Still haven’t had a whole one to myself. Other than Durian…Avocado, Apples, Berries, Mangoes, Papayas, Bananas.
  • Just pulling this one up again…it is one of my faves…. I’m counting down to my 1 year anniversary on Thanksgiving. I had a real blow-out cooked vegan Thanksgiving last year. For my anniversary, I plan to refine even further to get rid of some of the…
  • Just a note to everyone struggling with their first 30 days…this is the HARDEST part! Actually the first 3 are prob THE hardest. It gets SO much easier later on. I can go to dinner with friends and not even care about what they are eating. “When I u…
  • Wow, lots of inspiration on here…I love this thread! I found it VERY helpful to start with a 30 day goal. I think that is the perfect amount of time to focus on and really make it throught the initial detox stage. I am on 250 days! Woo-hoo! In the p…
  • Ventri- yes, you may need to cut back on your exercise during your transition. And definitely sleep A LOT. This is a HUGE change for your body so give it plenty of rest. I was SO tired, on and off for months.
  • Just bringing this up to the top, again! Day 230 for me!
  • Stacie- Of course it counts!!! Stacie & Andiepoe- Good luck with your amazing transformations ;)
  • 213 days at 100%! Taking it up a notch now by limiting nuts, dried fruits, agave, Nama Shoyu, tahini…some of the things that are questionable and still causing some cravings. Let’s keep this thread going! It helps me a lot to keep my progress in min…
  • I am on day 168 100% Raw! I find it very helpful to keep track and keep it 100% (except for unknown slip-ups). It is too easy for me to spiral downwards once the “streak” is broken. I also have a streak going of 58 days w/o alcohol as I was having s…
  • Get some sun!
  • LindaintheRaw… Yes! Absolutely. I am just over 6 months and I have had on/off detox this whole time. I go through periods of the “tired, moody, ‘blah’ feeling”, sometimes accompanied by a coated tongue, headache, pimples, body odor, digestive change…
  • Kaua’i, HI!!! Raw scene is pretty good here due to the abundance of farmer’s markets, fruit, etc. but the restaurant scene is slimmer than I’d like. Blossoming Lotus is here but they only have one raw entree and I’m sick of it I’ve had it so many ti…
  • Here in Hawaii where EVERYTHING grows, we still pay these crazy prices at the grocery store for fruits/veggies imported from California/Mexico/wherever. I thought for sure everything would be super cheap here… I try to buy from the farmer’s market a…