Lovely gingerbread flavored hot chocolate; it's so comforting! Feel free to add more/less spices if you feel like it, although I like this hot chocolate quite strong flavored and tasting. Be careful with not adding too much cloves, though. Tastes and smells really amazing. Reminds me of Christmas! :)
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Recipe Directions

1. Put all ingredients in your Vitamix and blend until warm. Serve in a warm cup.


Llindaaa's Thoughts

By llindaaa

Lovely gingerbread flavored hot chocolate; it's so comforting!

Feel free to add more/less spices if you feel like it, although I like this hot chocolate quite strong flavored and tasting. Be careful with not adding too much cloves, though.

Tastes and smells really amazing. Reminds me of Christmas! :)

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Add it, I don't mind! It is a really nice and comforting drink, have had 3 cups today already.

Actually, I just edited the list of ingredients, realized that I had forgotten to include cinnamon, it is essential!

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achin70's Review

Lovely Gingerbread Flavored Hot Chocolate
5 out of 5

Looks super yummy! I make a chocolate chai smoothie sometimes with coconut water as a sweetener, but I never thought of making a chocolate gingerbread one. :)

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I can not wait to try this? Do you mind if i add this recipe to my blog? It sounds so comforting for these wintery months to come! my blog is follow me if you like! :D

Thanks so much for this recipe it sounds perfect! I can't wait to try it!!

Have a great day!



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achin70's Review

Lovely Gingerbread Flavored Hot Chocolate
5 out of 5

Looks super yummy! I make a chocolate chai smoothie sometimes with coconut water as a sweetener, but I never thought of making a chocolate gingerbread one. :)

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This sounds delicious

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oh yes I do love cinnamon! mm can't wait!

13 votes
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Add it, I don't mind! It is a really nice and comforting drink, have had 3 cups today already.

Actually, I just edited the list of ingredients, realized that I had forgotten to include cinnamon, it is essential!

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9 votes
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I can not wait to try this? Do you mind if i add this recipe to my blog? It sounds so comforting for these wintery months to come! my blog is follow me if you like! :D

Thanks so much for this recipe it sounds perfect! I can't wait to try it!!

Have a great day!


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