what to do with used coconut flakes

i use a lot of coconut flakes to make coconut milk and i dont know what to do with the flakes after i strain them. i really dont want to throw them away-any ideas?


  • this is something that I do as well. I make my almond milk with coconut water because it comes out so creamy. I prepare about 15-20 smoothies a day (not just for myself) and dont have the time to crack open 40 coconuts a day and scrape out the coconut meat, so I use the flakes but I feel like after I blend them with water and strain their essence or taste is gone. I have been saving the pulp for my red wiggler worm composter, but I wish there was a better solution. I was thinking about dehydrating them back and using them in a truffle recipe or something. I am interested in what the others have to say- sorry I can’t be more help but I am in the same boat.

  • with the used almond you can dehydrate it and use it as an almond flour…

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