Want to easily restore youth and vitality?


  • Megan, I wasn't aware of it's use for thinning hair. Interesting, because another thread here is on the topic. Thanks, interesting stuff.

  • Thanks for taking the time to read it :)

  • Does ACV go bad? I have an old bottle, but can't find an expiration date on it anywhere.

  • Nope never goes bad...except maybe if you have a bottle around for 10 years then I probably wouldn't drink it. :)

  • That was really interesting :) I remember buying some before because someone in my family went to a natural doctor for his heart disease and the doctor told him to drink ACV cocktails 30 minutes before eating to help him lose weight! I didn't know all the history of it. Would Braggs be a good brand to buy?

  • Yup...it's the one I use. certified organic and raw.

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