
For some reason throughout the day my body will get very shaky and I was wondering if a raw food diet could possibly help me stop shaking. I usually would not mind that my hands seems to shake every once in awhile, but I have decided to become a surgeon and was wondering if anybody knew if raw foods could prevent my hands from shaking. The shaking that I get from my hands are not often but it happens out of nowhere.

Thank You for the help


  • Chef ShuannaChef Shuanna Raw Newbie

    Greetings! So I take it your in med school now (as normally you 'decide' to become a surgeon when you figure out which way your going in med school) and are aware the shakiness can be a neurological issue. Have you had that checked out at all. If it is a recurring issue its worth it to get it checked out by a professional. I myself have shaking hands when my blood pressure is on the low side. It's one of those awesome things that my body does to let me know to eat. I'm not being a smart ass...I actually do love the fact that the body sends signals saying "hey...feed me". I hate shaky gets in the way of my art. But thats nothing to what a surgeon needs steady hands for!

    It's sad, my best friend had to go into nuclear medicine because he just naturally has shaky hands and was unable to perform the tasks of a surgeon. I have another friend that could not pursue her dream position because of shaky hands.

    Are you not currently on a Raw diet? Sorry I am asking so many questions...just trying to get a back ground?

    Cheers and good health!


  • No currently I am not a raw vegan and my hands don't shake often but sometimes they will start to shake pretty bad.

  • Coffee makes my hands shake.

  • juicefastfanjuicefastfan Raw Newbie

    Have you ever been tested for hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). You said it is in your body, not just your hands? That's one of the big signs that your blood sugar is getting too low and you need to eat. A raw food diet would definitely help with that. There are some raw diets that are specifically geared towards blood sugar issues. It's a pretty simple, but time-consuming test and you have to drink a very high sugary corn syrupy drink for it. I think its smarter to eat a (raw foods) diet that is on the low glycemic scale for a bit, eat small and frequent meals...see if your symptoms subside and get better...if they do, chances are you have hypoglycemia.

  • Thank you i will look into that

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