question about nutridiary??

I’ve noticed many people here on goneraw use nutridiary to calculate daily fat, protein, and carb intake, and I just recently signed up for it. I have a question, though. With my excersize level and daily needs it claims that I need a little more than 2,700 calories a day! And that’s while I’m trying to lose weight!! How accurate is this? I mean, for those of you who do use it, do you follow the recommended calories per day?? I’m also trying really hard to spend around $5/day on food, and so far so good, but there is no way I’d be able to keep that up trying to squeeze in all that food!! What to do?? I need some advice!! I have been getting at least around 1500 cals a day, and I got back into gym rat mode too. My brother and I workout pretty much every day: about an hour to an hour and a half on cardio (it says we’re burning about 1000 cals, but I’m not sure how accurate it is), and lift every other. The thing that’s bothering me is this, my weight hasn’t budged at all since I’ve started working out!! grr. help help help!!

it’s greatly appreciated. ~chelsey

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