Just a few questions from a newbie

Hey everyone, I have been trying to gow raw for the last month or so. I am coming off a so called “healthy” diet. I was eating things such as oatmeal, brown rice, whole grain this and that, so to the majority i was a very healthy eater. I was eating meat also, but not red meat, just chicken or some fish. But in the last month I switch from your typical “healthy” diet, to what we all know to be the healthiest diet there is, a raw food diet. However i am a complete novice when it comes to this in terms of having all the equipment needed such as a juicer, or dehydrator, i am just doing the best with what i have. I do know quite a bit about nutrition, being that is my major, I have read a couple of raw food books, so i would like to say i know what foods to eat and all that. But finally to my problem i know that especially coming off a meat-eating, and cooked food consuming diet, to going to a complete raw food vegetarian diet there will be some detoxing going on. I know this is getting a little personal but….......i would like to know if you guys experienced having loose bowel movements when you switch. I know my body is trying to adapt to the completely new foods it is intaking, but it has been going on for about a month. I was just wondering if this is normal, and if you all went through this type of situation as well. I know that was not the most pleasant first post there was but i just want to make sure i am experiencing the norm over here. I will have many more questions to ask in the future, thanks everyone!


  • spiritedmamaspiritedmama Raw Newbie

    I had loose bowels for a while after changing to raw. It did go away, but was rather uncomfortable to say the least!

  • Good question BillyB! I have also been wondering if loose BM’s were the norm? We have been doing mostly raw for about a week. Except for the green smoothies in the morning, which we have been doing for a couple of months now. I would like to add to BillyB

  • spiritedmamaspiritedmama Raw Newbie

    I am not sure what your 2 year old daughter was eating before going raw, but it could be the detox process. My daughter is 3 and her diapers have no smell and she is almost 100% raw. She does occassionally have loose stool, but that is usually when she eats too many cherries…LOL!

  • alpdesignsalpdesigns Raw Newbie

    If you make green smoothies with spinach, that could cause loose stools as spinach has laxative qualities. Maybe adding more fiber to your diet would help. I became more regular with firm stools by adding ground flax to my diet daily.

  • Almost every morning i will have a green smoothie with spinach. That could be one of the reasons, and also i almsost always do add ground flax seeds to the smoothies. I believe my body is not used to getting this much fiber, as opposed to getting too little. I really do think it is just my body trying to adapt to this dramatic change.

  • miss muffet, we are transitioning to a 100% raw diet with our children as well. our 2 yr old does occassionaly have a terrible stinkorific diaper, usually coming after having had something cooked. i find that he likes to drink fresh almond milk and eat bananas after these experiences and it gets better. good luck!

  • Don’t worry that stench and loose stuff doesn’t last forever! I believe your bodies are just trying to get detoxed and stabalized and they will as long as you eat raw. Sometimes there can be an issue where your instestinal tract is so corroted that things aren’t getting properly absorbed, and in that case a fast would help greatly, but otherwise just keep it raw and you’ll feel great soon.

    As far as babies and toddlers go, it’s the same type of thing.. detox.. it smells bad.. have you ever smelled a meat eater sweating? Disguisting! but a raw fooder sweating? can’t smell anything.. same with the poop :) Look on the bright side, at least you’re going :)

  • Spiritedmama: She was breast fed only till she turned one. And then organic baby food and breast till 18 months. The next 9 months were a mix of really good and really bad diet habits. Her diet could have been A LOT worse (of course it could have been better). She does naturally lean towards fresh fruits and veggies, Thank God! :-) 123: And we use a lot of spinach in our smoothies! I didn

  • spiritedmamaspiritedmama Raw Newbie

    Sounds like it could be a combo. of spinach and detox making for those stinky diapers and loose movements. Hang in there, it won’t last long if you keep it raw.

  • At Home with Mama: good to know…although we haven’t been eating alot of meat. The diaper that was the worst was actually a raw meal that she had eaten…not to be gross…but I could see the seeds. I am glad to know this won’t last forever! Oh, well…I will take stinky diapers & detox over feeling 50 years older then I really am ANY day! Thanks :-)

  • alpdesignsalpdesigns Raw Newbie

    One good thing about seeing whole seeds is that you can determine the transit time for digestion.

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