I Need Your Paper on Green Smoothie Benefits.

germin8germin8 Raw Master

Hi all!

I am short on time, trying to prepare for a juicing/smoothies class at church and trying to promote a fruit-veggie challenge at work by making green smoothies to meet the goals (and win!). I’m actually a software engineer, but I promote ‘wellness’ at work on a volunteer basis.

So, I am looking for two good papers on the benefits or need-to-knows of green smoothies.

The one for work is needed by Sunday! It can be a half page to a page long and I can give you credit by adding your name and website.

The one for church is needed by Friday! It can be a page or two long and I can give you credit by adding your name and website. Although, I do have someone in public health who may be writing one for me.

A good opportunity if you sell juicers/blenders, because I don’t sell anything… just promote! I will demo two or more of the following: VitaMix, BlendTec, Champion (masticating), Juiceman (centrifugal) Jr…. but, I could explain triturating and hydraulic press juicers.

Please send a link to your info… or email **. If you have a nice color picture of a green smoothie (I’ve seen some good ones on this site), please send one too. Just one. Please keep in mind the audience. At work, it’s mostly engineers. At church, it’s a group of different people from doctors & nurses to engineers, to pastors, to students. If I select you, I’ll let you know.

I’m sure I can count on you all! If I don’t find one… it really isn’t necessary for me to do this… but, I wanted to see what is available.


  • If you could get the book green for life it will be all you need to know about green smoothies. If you can’t get one try this website http://www.seekeronline.org/journals/y2005/nov0…

  • germin8germin8 Raw Master

    Majom, Great link. Thanks. I have the book… I just didn’t want to write the paper since I’m short on time.

    Fortunately, thanks to the readers of this post (and replies), I now have one…

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