can i store sprouted almonds?

hi everyone!! i apologize up front for the obviously-new-at-raw-foods question, buuuuut … is there anyway that i can store soaked almonds (and other nuts and seeds for that matter)so that they are ready to be used whenever i need them?


  • raw_earthraw_earth Raw Newbie

    I think they only store for about 2 or 3 days in the fridge, unless you dehydrate them so they will last longer. It is kind of a pain when you decide you want to use them and you need to wait 8 or more hours to soak!

    When I make seed/nutmilk, it usually lasts about 3 days (including the day I make it, which is in the morning) and then it really starts to separate and seem ‘off.’ I’d assume it’s close to the same time frame for regular nuts and seeds. I’m sure someone else here is more in the know. :)

  • germin8germin8 Raw Master

    After germinating, you can store soaked nuts, seeds, grains in the refrigerator covered with water. You MUST change the water daily or once every 2 days… but I recommend daily to 1.5 days. They stay in the fridge for about a week, depending.

    To keep them for longer, dehydrate them. You can rehydrate them when you are ready to use…. or skip the rehydrating all together. If you dehydrate them, store them in the fridge afterward. They will keep for weeks!

    Once you make a raw food dish, you usually have to eat it within 4 days. The taste will tell you.

  • raw_earthraw_earth Raw Newbie

    Thanks for all that info, germin8! :)

  • Thanks!!!

  • It’s probably a very obvious question to this, but I haven’t figured it out yet, so I’m gonna ask ;-) When you soak nuts/seeds and then dehydrate them, what is the differens between the “not soaked” nuts and the “soaked and dehydrated” nuts? If they are dehydrated, the water is gone..? Also, how long will almonds/sunflowerseeds (just to mention two different sices) need to be dehydrated? And how long do they need to be rehydrated afterwards?


    Love and light.

  • germin8germin8 Raw Master

    Enzyme inhibitors are in nuts/seeds which allows for a longer shelf life. When you soak nuts/seeds, you remove enzyme inhibitors such as tannin and phytic acid. You then have “living” nuts/seeds. So, they will go bad/rancid (oxidize) if you don’t eat them in time. Dehydrating germinated nuts/seeds allows you to keep them longer (they oxidize slower?). You can keep them for weeks depending on how long you dehydrate. Taste them and see how crunchy they are… the crunchier the better, plus it’s like roasted nuts/seeds. On average, you can soak seeds for up to 24 hours and you can soak nuts for up to 48 hours (changing water 2-4 times a day). Then store them in the fridge fridge with fresh water daily.

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