balanced diet

Hi everyone, I was curious about how everyone balances their own diet. I saw that there was a thread earlier about protein, which answered a few questions of mine about daily recommendations about how much protein I need, but I basically never eat nuts, and I just feel like I don’t have ANY source of protein. I feel I get enough fats, I typically eat an avocado and some olive oil everyday. I also eat plenty of greens. I was just wondering if it would be beneficial to invest in something like hemp protein powder to add to my morning green smoothies. The reason I’m suddenly so curious about my diet is because lately (almost every night) I’ve been binging on carbs. I feel like the nightly binging is leading me to think that I might be deficient in something else. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks everyone!


  • sweetpeasweetpea Raw Newbie

    Hi Kelly, yes sometimes if you keep craving more and more carbs you’re likely not getting enough protein. Try having a green smoothie with some spirulina in it and you could add some hemp protein powder in there too if you like. It’s important to get the carb, protein, fat mix right at every meal for your body type. Experiment and see how you feel. If you’re getting hungry often chances are you need to get more protein or fat in your meals.


  • JDJD

    I just bought hemp seeds yesterday and had them with my fruit this morning. Those little suckers are good. I had no idea they were so tiny and soft…yummy! I too was craving carbs out the wazoo and was mad hungry and went crazy with it for a bit but didn’t realize it was because I could be low on protein…very interesting. and here I bought the hemp to help with the gym. Oh the things you learn.

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